Our Story
How We Began
Our journey began when we made the decision to throw away our nonessential materialistic possessions and save as much money as we could to travel the world. Through our humble beginnings we would stay at whatever hotels we could afford and treat it as a media stay. These experiences not only taught us valuable knowledge, but also provided us with the content to help build an impressive portfolio. From there our business grew rapidly, and provided us with the means to invest in better equipment to elevate our level of content. This deep learning process has enabled us to work with over 200+ of the World’s top luxury hotels and resorts, giving us an unrivaled experience and expertise in the luxury travel industry.
As we became more and more successful, we would receive an abundance of messages from our followers asking the same questions - “How can I travel the world and get paid?” Or “How did you take this photo? Was it with a drone? Or what camera did you use?” And so we thought to ourselves, “How can we help individuals learn and achieve their own similar success on social media?” Thus, The Creator Retreat was born. We wanted to give others the ability to experience the same world-class luxury destinations while learning hands on and connecting with us, and giving them a once in a lifetime experience. We hope that through The Creator Retreat we can continue to inspire new or even experienced individuals, sharing our valuable knowledge and expertise with others to help sculpt their passions into a thriving social media business.
Our Goals
We want to inspire others to pursue their ultimate dream life. We believe that the only limitations in this world are the limitations that people put on themselves. We see so many individuals that want to create a social media business while traveling the world, but fail to act on their vision because it seems out of reach or impossible. However, we know through experience that with the right knowledge, hard work and discipline you can do whatever you want in this life!
We also hope that our retreats will help make the luxury travel industry more accessible. Many people believe that you need tons of money or expensive gear to be successful on social media when in reality, it’s about knowing how to create innovative and captivating content, establishing successful relationships with brands, and leveraging the power of social media to build your own brand.